September 18, 2024

Veteran Southern California sprint car driver Jeff Dyer is currently in the hospital waiting for surgery after a crash in Saturday’s Avanti Windows and Doors USAC/CRA Series main event at Perris Auto Speedway.

The popular driver suffered a broken right humorous bone in the grinding pile-up that occurred on lap 25 of the main event.  In addition to the broken bone, he also suffered a concussion and will be confined to the hospital for a week.

The incident happened when another driver’s steering box malfunctioned, and his car pounded the turn one crash wall. When he came off the wall, the driver began to flip down the track. Dyer, with nowhere to go, got clobbered by the flipping car, and they hit cage to cage.

Speaking from his hospital bed at Riverside University Hospital, Dyer stated, “I just saw him jumping the cushion in turn one.” “I attempted to decline, but he became agitated.

After that, I can’t remember anything. We hit cage to cage when I hit him. It shoved our cage in fairly good. We believe that’s when my arm fractured because my seat was struck quite forcefully. That knocked me out and took the wind out of me when it happened. We believe that I kept my foot on the accelerator.

I’m sure Dyer is relieved he doesn’t recall what happened next. Before plunging back to Earth, his 900-horsepower automobile smashed head-on into the turn-two crash wall and one of the track’s sponsor billboards.

He immediately regained consciousness, and rescue personnel arrived on the scene in a flash. “Shut the fuel off,” the safety crew instructed him, in his memory. It wasn’t until he attempted to exit the automobile that he realized he was hurt—his “arm was not working.”

The EMTs wanted to make sure his arm was stabilized before removing him to take him to the hospital, so he stayed in the car for a while.

He replied, “I didn’t even know that happened until someone told me,” upon being reminded that he had destroyed the billboard and the crashwall. “I simply believed that I had struck Logan and stopped.”

It wasn’t until afterwards that I learned about all of the other $#@? Dyer, a native of Yucca Valley, California, is sleeping a little uncomfortable while he awaits surgery on Monday.

“I feel quite achy,” he remarked. “Obviously, I have severe arm pain. The whole thing was a clean break. They will thus insert some rods and pins and reconstruct me like Humpty Dumpty.

The automobile is another victim of the collision. Seth, Dyer’s teenage racing son, stated he believes the car is rubbish. But since the engine wasn’t over-revved during the collision, it’s alright.

Dyer is grateful for the abundance of well wishes and prayers that have been sent online. He said, “That is really cool, man,” from the hospital.

“I am really grateful to them for it. I’ve heard that several people assisted in loading everyone’s belongings by going down to the pit afterwards. That was really great as well. Thank you also to such individuals.

Dyer needs surgery to restore his broken arm, but one thing that hasn’t changed is his amazing sense of humor. When informed that the judges would have given the collision a 9.8 scale, he laughed and said, “I’m glad I could make it.” That’s quite pleasant. We are there to entertain, so long as I do that.

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