June 29, 2024

, the manager of Manchester City, spoke about Newcastle United after his team defeated them 1-0 on Saturday night at the Etihad Stadium in his customary dignified manner.

Pep Guardiola is difficult to dislike. He is the best in the game and in charge of an abundance of skill that is capable of defeating any team on any given day, yet he never allows it make him arrogant. In interviews, he always shows respect for the opponent and doesn’t appear to take anything for granted.

In a press conference following Saturday’s 1-0 victory over Newcastle, Guardiola acknowledged that his team’s approach to play has to change in order to counteract the new threat that Newcastle presents.

Following Saturday, Pep Guardiola was all praise for Newcastle.

In a footage from his interview with The Chronicle, Guardiola praised Eddie Howe’s club, adding, “Newcastle is an exceptional team!”

“They will destroy us if we give them an open game. As a result, we had to make a lot of passes in order to maintain control. For this reason, I placed a lot of guys in the midfield to allow for extra passes.

It appears that the top teams have realized how much of a threat Newcastle is with their style of play, and even if other managers are watching and attempting to pick Pep’s brains, not many teams will have the players to shut down Newcastle the way Manchester City can.

It appears that the top teams have realized how much of a threat Newcastle is with their style of play, and even if other managers are watching and attempting to pick Pep’s brains, not many teams will have the players to shut down Newcastle the way Manchester City can.

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