July 8, 2024

Former transfer target Moises Caicedo’s value is already met by a player already on the roster of Liverpool.

This summer, Caciedo decided to sign with Chelsea in a frenetic transfer saga. Despite Brighton accepting a £111 million deal from Liverpool, the Ecuadorian opted to sign with the Blues.

Reds supporters shouldn’t be too disappointed despite their failure to sign a high-paying target, though. That’s because, based on the most recent CIES Football Observatory estimates, Harvey Elliott and Caicedo are both equally valuable

The Chelsea player’s total cost was £115 million, but CIES rates him as a talent worth $52 million. The same as Elliott, exactly.

They are distinct players, so we’re not suggesting we’d prefer to have one over the other or anything of the sort. But it’s still fascinating.

Elliott may legitimately believe that he hasn’t gotten enough credit for Liverpool’s revamped midfield.

He still has a role to play, of course. Four appearances by the 20-year-old in the first four Premier League games would indicate as much. Every time, he has performed well.

Elliott now finds himself in a position where he has a lot to show because there are four bright new players in his position.

.Despite the difficulties ahead, don’t anticipate the former Fulham youth to cower and shrink. He is a young man with a strong will who only wants to succeed at Liverpool.

It can be simple to overlook Elliott’s skill due to his self-made reputation as a “fan on the pitch.” All of the big boys would be interested if the Reds were to trade him since those in the game are aware of this.

In that case, Liverpool would stand to make a huge profit after signing him for a pittance four years ago. Although his value is considerable, the Reds shouldn’t even consider that.

In the end, Brighton had no choice but to advance Caicedo. The CIES analysis clearly demonstrates Chelsea’s overpayment for him. Elliott’s potential makes it seem improbable that he will ever make more than £100 million. However, you believe that this value can still



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