July 3, 2024

Liverpool midfielder Alexis Mac Allister was praised for his part in Argentina’s 1-0 win over Ecuador last night.

The world champions were once again grateful to their little magician Lionel Messi, the Inter Miami man, who buried a stunning match-winning free-kick.
But among others, Mac Allister also got a 77-minute run. And according to Argentina’s TyC Sports, the 24-year-old has done a good job.

In what was collectively described as a lackluster first half, it was argued that Alexis was actually the Albiceleste’s best player on the pitch. Interestingly, the Liverpool man seems to have been moved to defensive midfield. When he moved into what the Argentines call the “5” position, he probably stood out.
Mac Allister is said to have “raised his personal level and that of his teammates” by sitting deeper.

Thanks a lot, although strangely Alexis only got a 6. Anyway, well done Macca!

Mac Allister shines in a deeper role
It still takes some getting used to having one of the Reds regularly playing alongside the mighty Messi.
But while Lionel Scalon has plenty of midfield options to choose from, Mac Allister still agrees. He played 77 minutes last night before being replaced by Leandro Paredes.

From the sounds of things, Argentina struggled to break down Ecuador, relying on the genius of Messi to get them over the top.
However, what is interesting from Liverpool’s point of view is how Mac Allister was used. Starting in the left midfield triangle, the Reds No. 10 seems to have played the better game at the base of this trio.

Of course, that’s where he recently played for Liverpool. Even with the arrival of Wataru Endo, Mac Allister was relegated to the role of the most defensive midfielder.
We didn’t necessarily see it coming, but maybe that’s his future for club and country.

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