July 3, 2024

Star Before the Dallas Cowboys took on the Green Bay Packers, pass rusher Miach Parsons delivered a bold and desperate message to the NFL. Whether Mike McCarthy stays on the sidelines in Dallas for the upcoming season may depend on the Cowboys’ game versus the Packers.

Parsons has taken offense at some of the calls he has received this season that have not been positive. Parsons believes that the opponent’s offensive lineman should have been contacted by the officials for holding calls against him. Parsons took to Instagram after the Cowboys’ loss to the Miami Dolphins on Christmas Eve to criticize the officials for not calling a holding penalty against the Miami offense.

Parsons was aware that it might be expensive to criticize the league’s officiating staff in December. Quarterback Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chiefs received a fine for his complaints regarding calls made against his team this season.

Dallas Cowboys Star Micah Parsons Sends Very Strong and Risky Message To NFL ahead Green Bay Packers Game

Dallas Cowboys Star Micah Parsons Sends Very Strong and Risky Message To NFL ahead Green Bay Packers Game

Dallas Cowboys pass rusher sends message to NFL

Prior to the Wild Card round, Parsons submitted an additional case to the NFL. Parsons shared a photo of a fan holding up a banner on his Instagram story on Sunday night. The sign said, “Free Micah Parsons” and “Reward=Holding Calls” on a poster board.

It’s obvious what that implies. By missing calls during the regular season, Parsons is sending a message to the NFL that they should investigate the possibility of holding him in the postseason.

This weekend, we’ll see if Parsons receives more favorable calls against the Packers or if he receives a fine from the NFL.

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