July 3, 2024

Bayless – who is not a Cowboys fan but has, rather, grabbed that title the way an actor accepts a role – tweeted that he looked forward to Micah’s podcast, because that’s “what he does best.”

Parsons responded to Bayless in a fiery tweet on Friday morning, calling the commentator a “fake a** Cowboys fan.”

Wrote Micah: “You just a hating a** mf who mad I ain’t want to do your show?! Where was all this when you were on my nuts wanting me to come on your show every Tuesday!! You lame asf skip real shit, fake a** cowboys fan!!”
Skip Bayless didn’t just become a “fake-a** Cowboys fan” because of a “beef” with Micah Parsons.

But if that helps Parsons and other Cowboys people to understand why they should avoid any association with this unethical barnacle of a human? Good. Lesson learned.

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