June 26, 2024

On January 22, rookie cornerback Brian Branch of the Detroit Lions sent a clear message to the San Francisco 49ers.

In the NFC championship game, the Detroit Lions started as a touchdown underdog against the San Francisco 49ers. Evidently, though, it won’t stop even Detroit’s youngest players from being nervous about the big occasion.

In his remarks to media on January 22, rookie cornerback Brian Branch of the Lions showed consideration for the 49ers in regards to the game. However, Branch also hinted that the NFC title game presents the Lions with a chance to showcase their superiority.

According to SI.com’s All Lions’ John Maakaron, Branch told the reporters, “San Fran is a really good team, but I feel like, shoot, we’re a really good team too.” “There will be a harsh awakening if we are clicking.”

On January 28, the Lions will play the 49ers in their first NFC title game in thirty-two years.The game will begin at 6:30 p.m. ET.

How Detroit Lions Match Up With San Francisco 49ers

If the 49ers versus. Lions game adopts a David against. Goliath narrative, it would only be fitting.

Since the early 1980s, San Francisco has been one of the NFC’s most popular teams. The 49ers will play in their 19th conference championship game on January 22. Compared to other teams in NFL history, they have appeared in three more conference title games.

The 49ers have participated in seven NFC title games since 2010 alone.

This will be the Lions’ second trip to the conference title game. In league history, that is tied for the second-fewest. The only team with less games played is the 2002 NFL addition, the Houston Texans.

However, comparing the two teams’ statistics, it seems like things are more evenly matched. The 49ers and Lions each had a 12-5 season finale. In terms of offensive yards and points scored, all five teams placed in the top 5.

In certain situations, the Lions might even be superior to the 49ers. 2018 NFC champion Los Angeles Rams quarterback Jarred Goff of Detroit has already won an NFC title. Goff has played fantastically throughout the postseason.

In the 49ers’ divisional clash, quarterback Brock Purdy performed admirably at crucial junctures, while his play wasn’t spectacular. Additionally, he hasn’t prevailed in a conference final.

In the divisional round, Purdy finished with a touchdown and 252 yards on 59% of his passes against the Green Bay Packers.In two postseason games this year, Goff has recorded a 74.3% completion rate, 564 passing yards, and three touchdowns.


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