July 8, 2024

The Dallas Cowboys have not made as much of an impression in free agency as other teams, such as the Philadelphia Eagles, their rivals.

Despite owner Jerry Jones’ propensity to do so, the Cowboys haven’t made a move anywhere close to the magnitude of the Eagles, who went out and acquired great running back Saquon Barkley.

The season of free agency is just getting underway. Players have until Wednesday to formally sign. Even Nevertheless, Bayless continued to vent his frustrations against the owner of his preferred team.

Dak Prescott, meanwhile, has garnered media attention for unexpected legal matters. The Titans actually defeated a young star that the Cowboys lost, and since then, wild rumors have been swirling about who might take his place.

Bayless’ remarks will undoubtedly cause the franchise to take note. He did not back down in the face of the squad appearing to be falling behind its opponents in more ways than anyone could have predicted.


Bayless’s Remarks on Cowboys and Jones


Bayless expressed exactly how he was feeling in an NSFW remark. Bayless is obviously not buying the Cowboys’ idea of going all in to try and win a Super Bowl after such a long drought. Fans seemed to understand that even though he didn’t specifically identify Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, he was disparaging him and casting doubt on his dedication to taking home the championship. Thus far, the Cowboys’ offseason has been viewed as at most passable, if not disastrous.

Following his statement that the Cowboys are “all in” for free agency—a statement that Bayless took aim at—Jones has received a social media backlash from supporters.

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