June 26, 2024

When speaking with Tim Benz of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Ian Furness of KJR Radio and Fox-13 in Seattle recently didn’t hold back when discussing quarterback Russell Wilson of the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Furness claimed that once Wilson was selected by the Seattle Seahawks in the 2012 NFL Draft, he began to shift in his opinion. This was after Wilson began to receive more attention due to his marriage to well-known singer/songwriter Ciara. Furness claimed he began to become phony and shallow.

“Back then, there was more authenticity in some of the stuff you see now that looks kind of hokey and produced, like the rah rah stuff with Russ. The guy was a gamer and he competed. Furness told Benz, “And to be honest, they don’t win a Super Bowl without him.” “When he married Ciara, a lot of things started to change, and he started to become this ‘look at me guy.'” He developed into a problem with the staff, the front desk, and the institution itself, and things only got worse from there until they traded him.

Furness claimed that following two hard-fought contract talks, working with his own private quarterback coach (Jake Heaps), and a rumored attempt to have general manager John Schneider and head coach Pete Carroll removed, Wilson’s relationship with the Seahawks collapsed. But Wilson vehemently disputes that assertion.

Furness stated, “As a player, he kind of tried to take over the organization, and you saw what happened in Denver.” He had an office of his own the first year. Every day, (Heaps at) that workplace. Everyone went completely insane when it sort of came to light. He behaved that way, despite their attempts to minimize it. He followed his own schedule. It was also regarding Russ. It was all about Russ in the ultimate team sport, to the extent that people started calling him the “diva quarterback.” And with good cause.

Furness is convinced that Wilson attempted to have Carroll and Schneider dismissed in Seattle, even though Wilson denies this.

“I’ll tell you straight out: this is the reason I didn’t get along with him. Furness remarked, “I don’t root for a guy who tried to get people fired, and that’s what he did.”

Several people informed Alan Saunders about the Steelers By the time Wilson left Denver, his relationship with Sean Payton, the head coach of the Denver Broncos, had deteriorated to a toxic level.

But did Wilson cause all of that, or was he only a bystander to a few unfortunate events? Despite speaking with a number of Broncos-affiliated individuals and Wilson’s former teammates, none was prepared to provide a convincing critique of the 35-year-old quarterback’s actions.

Although Payton and Wilson had “oil and water” dispositions, according to a second league source, it was more of a poor fit between the two than a particular shortcoming of each. A player who had been Wilson’s younger teammate in Seattle gave Wilson credit for his guidance and leadership during that period.

Furness believes that Wilson’s one and only shot to rescue a promising NFL career is likely here to stay. In Denver, Wilson’s reputation and legacy undoubtedly suffered greatly.

This will be the real test, especially with a coach like him and a company like Pittsburgh. He’s probably reached his limit and can no longer attempt to bring things back to life. You couldn’t possibly return to a weaker group and obtain what you formerly had. It would be a complete disaster if he signed with the Jets or the Giants. Though it would be a trainwreck, it would be hilarious to witness, Furness remarked.

1 thought on “Seattle Radio Personality Blasts Pittsburgh Steelers QB Russell Wilson

  1. I sincerely believe that you will see a more workman-like Russell. He was crushed in the media and has slowly pulled back on his social presence. The level of toxic bashing has been difficult to watch. He had some culpability in the events that unfolded, but not to this level. I just hope he can have a productive end to his career, while maintaining his marriage. He looks absolutely miserable in appearances. The Broncos, with that weak ass o-line, injuries to wide receivers and scheme, created a terrible situation. The kindest thing the abusive Sean Payton did was bench him. He could heal and train for another team. Steelers are a good organization and fit, whether he is starter or back up. He is a 35 year old player who is going to be paid by the Broncos, while playing for a more honorable organization.

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