July 3, 2024
"It's hard. It's hard. But at the end of the day, it's our job, so I have no complaints.

While that may technically be true, Hasson Reddick said Thursday that it’s been a tougher adjustment than he imagined. When asked how much of what happened Sunday against the Cardinals was due to the change of coordinator, the outfielder was honest about the challenges.

“I’m thinking a lot. As you said, the coordinator has changed. They have different styles, they want things done differently and that’s it. [Matt] This is Patricia now. She has a certain way and wants things done and if she’s trying to keep everyone on the same page, we’ll do our best to accommodate that. “If we go forward, we can get good results in the playoffs as well,” he said.

As for where the two are out of place on film, Reddick said it’s a combination of many things, including the timing of the calls, the personnel change and people rushing to get to them. Where it needs to be. He also admitted that DC’s changes could also be a factor as they try to implement new things and do what Patricia wants.

“It’s hard. It’s hard. But at the end of the day, it’s our job, so I have no complaints.

But it sure is difficult. You spent a lot of time on a DC and the new DC. He tried to find out everything he wanted from us at the beginning of the year, his terminology, as he will call it. The seasons pass us by. But like I said, it has to happen eventually. This is what the superiors felt was necessary to make a difference and solve some of the problems. “As players, we have to go out and play as well as we can,” he said.

Reddick said he’s seen a lot of head coaching and defensive coordinator changes during his career. He said he’s been in the same DC two years in a row and has never experienced a mid-season change. Such an experienced person may find it easier to adapt than other youngsters.

Last week, Reddick was asked how often he was asked to report on Arizona, and he said he was willing to do whatever was asked of him. But when asked later to explain how he might improve his specific skills, Reddick said (with a smile) that’s a story for another time.

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