July 8, 2024

NFL Players Union Survey Gives Detroit Lions Coach Dan Campbell A+, Ownership B

According to a National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) study, Detroit Lions players gave coach Dan Campbell an A+ but the team’s ownership a B-.

In our player survey, the Detroit Lions came in at number thirteen overall, and head coach Dan Campbell’s excellent ranking was mentioned prominently. It’s evident that the athletes like working under him since they compliment him on his openness to listen to their locker room complaints.

The players responded to the Lions’ offseason hiring of new training staff, expressing that they felt the work environment had improved and that they were given much more specialized attention this season than they were the previous.

Another area where players noticed improvements over the previous year was the food program; they reported that the food tastes better and is fresher.

Although there have been gains, players expressed their expectation for even more in the upcoming year, with food service continuing to be their top request for improvement.

Dan Campbell: Exceptional

Dan Campbell is rated highly by the Lions players, who rank him as the third-best head coach in the NFL. 91% of the players believe the coach uses their time well (16th overall).

Dan Campbell is regarded by the players as being very open to listen to the locker room (3rd overall)

Ownership — B-

Lions players rate club owner Sheila Ford Hamp 8.1/10 for her desire to make facility improvements (she ranks 21st overall).

Most returning participants believe that this category has improved over the previous year.

Gamers comment on improved taste, freshness, healthier options, higher quality, and excellent staff effort.

Training Area — B

Ninety percent of players think their cold tub is big enough (15th overall).

17th overall, 83% of players believe they have adequate full-time physical therapists.

15th overall, 88% of players think they have enough space in their hot tubs.

Ninety percent of players think their cold tub is big enough (15th overall).

A few athletes believe the group should have at least one additional physical therapist on staff.

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